Fill in the gaps with the correct forms:

1.) Last year ______ in a very nice hotel

we stay
he stays
we are staying
we stayed

2.) Last week I met your friend, ______ him very much

I not like
I didn't like
I didn't liked
I not did like
I don't liked
I did like not

3.) What ______ to do the job?

did you use
you did use
you used
used you
you did use

4.) The mountaineers ______ Mount Everest

did climb
are climb
did climbing

5.) The artist ______ the picture.

doesn't paint
no painted
no paint
didn't paint
did paint not

6.) How many people ______ for?

does he cooked
did he cooked
did he cook
did he cooks
is he cook

7.) A lot of people ______ the film.

did enjoyed
are enjoyed

8.) ______ to get wet, so I took an umbrella.

I not wanted
I did not wanted
I no wanted
I no want
I wanted not
I didn't want

9.) Which girl ______ last night?

did kissed
did he kiss
he did kiss
did he kissed

10.) The driver was injured when ______ into a tree.

he crashes
he crash
he did crash
he crashed
he is crashed
did he crash

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