
To accuse somebody or something of causing something, usually bad, to happen. The responsibility for something bad happening. You blame people for bad things never good ones. To hold other people responsible for our misfortunes, or blaming others is an almost universal characteristic. We normally use blame for a sequence of events that lead to a bad outcome. We do not use it for a direct bad action of an individual. He has the blame for the murder, does not mean he committed the murder directly, it means he has responsibility for the murderer committing the act. An assassin is guilty of murder, but the person who pays the assassin is to blame. The blame resides with the person who triggers the disaster.

Example: Michael always blames other people for his own mistakes.
We need to find someone to blame for this disaster.
Let he who is blameless (without blame) throw the first stone.

B is for Blame. This is a verb, to blame, it is also a noun. To blame, to hold somebody responsible for something bad happening. To have culpability, to blame. It's your fault! If you hadn't done that, this wouldn't have happened. To blame, to say somebody is responsible, or something is responsible for something bad happening. Yes. So, maybe when people get divorced they blame each other. Each one says the responsibility is of the other person. Maybe companies like to have somebody to blame when things go wrong. Somebody to say (to) you're responsible for it. OK. To blame. And the noun... the corresponding noun, the blame, the responsibility for something bad. So, B is for blame. Thanks for watching. See you soon.
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