North and South

Cockney Rhyming Slang

North and South rhymes with mouth. Mouth, gob, kisser or pie hole. This phrase is classic Cockney rhyming slang. When used the full phrase "North and South" must be used, it is not possible to use North alone. Mouth it is often used to mean to talk, especially to talk too much or give away too much information. North and South can be used in a similar way.
For example: Please keep your North and South shut, I don't want to hear any more about it.
Get your North and South round this takeaway fish supper. (eat these fish and chips)
He's all North and South. (he's just talking, but it's not true)
She's got one hell of a North and South on her. (she talks too much)

Hi there. North and South. Mouth. OK. North and South rhymes with mouth. This is a traditional Cockney rhyming slang phrase. Um... I hit him in the North and South. In the mouth. Um... this curry, this Ruby Murray is very hot, it's burning my North and South. Notice, this phrase is normally used whole. You don't say I'm b... it's burning my North. You need to say it's burning my North and South. Another thing that's very important, in my received pronunciation I'm saying North and South. However in Cockney it sounds very different "North and South" "North and South" "my North and South". OK. "North and South" "North and South". OK, that change in sound is very significant so be careful with it. So there you go. Cockney rhyming slang. North and South. Mouth. Thanks for watching. See you soon.
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