
In this section you will find a collection of Jokes, both clean and dirty. This section is still under construction some of it is up but it is not finished.

What is a joke? What is funny in English?
Hi. What is a joke? What makes people laugh? Well. I think a joke is a story, told or written, that describes a situation that surprises people. OK. And that surprise is what makes them laugh. Um... I think this sup... we have either surprise through double meanings, or misunderstandings, or misdirection of the audience. For example, often in a joke the story will lead you to think that things are happening in one direction, and the e... at the end then you are surprised, because suddenly things go in another direction and the situation wasn't what you thought. For example. Le... let me give you an example: Um... there's a rich lady and she's out at a dinner with her husband and just as the dinner starts, she says to her husband, "I have this terrible headache. I feel really ill. I need to go home. But you, you need to stay. I understand this is important. There are social obligations here." So, anyway she goes home. She goes home. She goes into the house. In the... in the hall of the house she meets the butler and she looks at him and says, "Jeeves, take off my coat." So, Jeeves the butler takes off her coat. She then says, "Jeeves, take off my pearls." So, Jeeves the butler takes off her pearls. She then says, "Jeeves, take off my shoes." So, he takes off her shoes. She says, "Take off my blouse." So, he takes off her blouse. Then she says, "Take off my skirt." So, he does. And then she says, "Take off my bra." Wow! "And take off my panties as well." And then she says, "And it I ever catch you wearing my clothes again, you're fired." OK, there we are. I led you... the story leads you in one direction, but in reality it goes in a different direction. Um... another common form of joke in English is the pun. OK. This is a word with various meanings, a phrase that can be understood in different ways. Um... for example the simplest form is... um... yes: Knock, knock! Who's there? Isabel. Isabel who? Isabel on a bicycle. OK. There is a bell, or the name of the girl, Isabel. OK, that's the most basic form, that's also a knock, knock joke, which is a common form of kids joke. You... if something was very funny, you could say, "Very punny!" OK, punny as in pun, OK, so you're using words to have vari... different or double meanings. There are quite a lot of pretty dirty jokes like that. So, maybe you might want to watch some of those in the dirty jokes section. You have stupid jokes, OK, the blonde jokes, where the blonde is too stupid to understand, or to do something. You have wh... the American "Yo mamma jokes." Your mamma's so fat.... OK, these are normally pretty stupid and pretty insulting. OK. The insult joke is also very popular. Anyway, that's a quick run through of humour. Notice in different languages, different things are funny, or not funny. So, if you come from a culture, which is n... which is not English, some English jokes you just won't understand, because they're not funny in your culture. OK. So, watch the jokes and enj... enjoy the site. Thanks for watching.