The Sound æ Cat, Hat, Bat. Phonetics 301

301 The Sound æ Cat, Hat, Bat:

Hi there. æ. æ. At. Am. Attack. Attack, Apple, Add. Ant. Alabama. OK. æ l ʌ b æ m ə Sam. Man. Man. OK all of these words have the æ sound. OK notice it's æ not ʌ. It's cat not cut. It's hat not hut. It's bat not but. OK, so it's æ not ʌ. Notice it's æ not ɑː. It's am not arm. It's at not art. It's cat not cart. So æ. At. Am. Attack. Attack, Apple, Add. Ant. Alabama. Sam. And Man. So æ. See you in another video.

How to make tha sound æ

Hi to make the æ sound, you need to half open your mouth. Not completely, half, like that. Your tongue needs to touch your front lip and it needs to seal the bottom part of your mouth. OK, then you make the sound and it comes from the back of your throat and the top of your mouth. So, æ, æ. Notice as well, I draw bl... back very slightly my top lip as I'm making the sound. Tongue covering. æ, æ, æ, æ. So, that's how you make it. I'll see you in another video. Thanks for watching.
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