IELTS graph explanation 1:

Explain the data shown in the two graphs below in no less than 150 words.
Try to relate the data shown in both graphs.

First year university students 1980

First year university students 2010

OK. here we have a graph of the subjects studied by various university students in 1980. And if we look at the other graph we have the s... subjects studied by students in 2010. The I.E.L.T.S exercise for this one will be to write a summary of the data in these two graphs on no less than one hundred and fifty words. OK. Let's look at some of the details in the first graph to start with and some things you could write. OK. We could say: The most popular subject among men was science, whereas as a contrast among women the most popular subjects were language, arts and medicine. It seems that in law women studied slightly more than men and men studied maths slightly more than women. OK, if we now look at the other graph for 2010, we can see firstly that the number of students attending courses has increased greatly and there are much fewer differences between the percentages of men and women. We can see from the second graph that for example sciences are still the most popular among men, however from 1980 to 2010 the popularity among women has increased greatly. We could also say the same perhaps for arts but in...(the in is wrong) the other way round. Between 1980 and 2010 arts have become more popular among men, however still in 2010 arts was more popular for women, in fact it was women's most popular subject. OK. So I hope that's helped you a little bit and we'll see you soon.

Sample answer:
We can see 2 bar charts showing the numbers of male and female first year university students studying various subjects in 1980 and in 2010. The first thing we see is that the total number of students in 2010 is far greater than it was in 2010 and in particular there was a very large rise in the number of women. In both years the most popular subject for men was science, however the proportion of female students increased significantly between 1980 and 2010. In both charts the most popular subjects among women were medicine. languages and arts, of these three subjects the most popular was arts, which was closely followed by languages and medicine. In both years the least popular subject was law, however in 1980 law was only slightly more popular among women, whereas in 2010 law was much more popular among men than among women. In both years maths was more popular than law.


156 words


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