The Difference between Must and Have to. Modals 202

Must is for internal obligation, what we want to do.
Have to is for external obligation, what somebody else wants us to do.

The following video explains The Difference between Must and Have to:

Must and Have to, what's the difference? OK. Must is talking about internal obligation. What you personally want. What your personal circumstances dictate. As a contrast have to talks about external obligations. What external circumstances force us to do. What somebody else wants us to do. So for example: soldiers have to obey orders. Ok. It's an order so they have to obey. We use must for thin... when we want to talk about things we want, or think are good. So notice for example: Perhaps you go to the doctor. And somebody asks what the doctor said. You could say, the doctors said I have to give up smoking, or the doctor said I must give up smoking. Have to, what the doctor wants. Must, what I want. OK. SO in one I want to give up, and one I don't really. For example: when it's time to leave a place, perhaps we say, "I must go." "I have to go." I must go, it implies I need to go. I'm tired, I need to go to sleep. I want to go. I have to go, there is an external circumstance meaning that I have to go. Perhaps I'm late. Or I don't want to be sleepy at work tomorrow. So there you are, must and have to. Must for internal obligations, have to for external ones. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in another video. Bye for now.
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