101: How to form and use the present simple.

How To Form The Present Simple:
To form the present simple use a subject and a compliment. For the third person singular of the affirmative add 's' to the compliment. For negatives use the auxiliary verb do + not for all persons except the third person singular, which uses does not. For questions invert the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb. The following table shows how it is done:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I live I do not live Do I live?
You live You do not live Do you live?
He lives He does not live Does he live?
She lives She does not live Does she live?
It lives It does not live Does it live?
We live We do not live Do we live?
You live You do not live Do you live?
They live They do not live Do they live?

Hi, how to form the present simple: It's easy, take a subject, I for example. Then put your verb in the infinitive without to or the compliment. So, for example the verb to live: Present simple positive: I live. Second person: you live. Third person: he/she/it lives. In the third person you must add the letter 's'. People always forget this 's'. I don't know why but it's easy to forget. First person plural: we live. We live, you live, they live. To make negatives put do not after the subject. So, I do not live or contracted I don't live. You do not live, you don't live. He/she/it doesn't live. No 's' on the live, that 's' is in the does or in the doesn't/does not. We do not live, you do not live, they do not live. To make questions invert the position of the subject and the does or the do. So to make a question: Do you live? or where do you live? Where do I live? Where does he,she or it live? Where do we live? Where do you live? Where do they live? So that's the way to form the present simple. In the next video you will see when to use the present simple. So, see you in a minute.

How To Use The Present Simple:
The present simple is used to describe our habitual every day actions, not necessarily what we are doing now. As the present simple is for habitual every day actions we use it with adverbs of frequency such as: frequently, often, always, never, every day, seldom, once in while...
The following video describes the use of the present simple:

Hi, the function of the present simple. What does it mean? What does it do? When do we use it? Present simple is for habitual activities, our present habits, things we normally do. Not necessarily what we are doing now but the things we normally do in our life. For example, I teach English. This is something I do habitually. I live in a house. This is something I do habitually. I go to the cinema every Thursday, something I normally do. So, this is the use of the present simple. We use it to talk about the things we normally do in our every day lives. Normally, the present simple is associated with adjectives (NOTE: THEY ARE ADVERBS, NOT ADJECTIVES) of frequency like usually, often,frequently, normally, never, occasionally... All of these words are talking about frequency and therefore they are habits. So, present simple for present habits. Thank you for watching. See you in the next video.

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