110: How to form and When to Use the Future with Going To.

How To Form The Future With Going To:
For positive statements take a subject (I, my friend, the cars...) after this use the auxiliary verb to be in the appropriate form of the present simple (I am..., my friend is..., the cars are...) then we put going (I am going..., my friend is going...) then we put to (I am going to..., my friend is going to...) and finally we put the compliment of the verb we want to use. If we put this all together we have: I am going to laugh, my friend is going to smile, the cars are going to stop. To form negatives place not after the auxiliary verb to be (I am not going to laugh, my friend is not going to smile) To form questions change the position of the auxiliary verb to be with the subject. (Am I going to laugh? Is my friend going to smile? Are the cars going to stop?) We can then put a question word at the beginning of the sentence. Why am I going to laugh? For what reason is my friend going to smile? When are the cars going to stop? The table below sets out the form of the future simple with going to:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am going to record I am not going to record Am I going to record?
You are going to record You are not going to record Are you going to record?
He is going to record He is not going to record Is he going to record?
She is going to record She is not going to record Is she going to record?
It is going to record It is not going to record Is it going to record?
We are going to record We are not going to record Are we going to record?
You are going to record You are not going to record Are you going to record?
They are going to record They are not going to record Are they going to record?

The following video explains how to form the Future Simple with Going To:

Hi. How to form the future with going to. So, take a subject, I, the dog, my friend, then put the auxiliary verb to be in the present simple, I am... the dog is... Then you put going to, I am going to... the dog is going to... and then we put the verb in the infinitive without to. We've already got a to and we only want one. For example To make negatives put not after the will. To make questions change the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb will. If you want you can put a question word before. So that's how to form the future simple with going to. In the next video I'll explain So, see you there. Bye.

How To Use The Future Simple with Going To:

We use the future simple with going to, when we talk about things we have already decided before we speak. If you remember the future with will is used express decisions or ideas thought of at the moment of speaking. If you have already thought about something beforehand this is the moment to use going to. For example: What are you going to eat tomorrow? Meaning, have you decided. If I say "I am going to have Chicken Curry", I am indicating that I have already decided on the menu. As we use going to for planned things, we also use it to express intentions. For example: Today I'm going to do the shopping, is there anything you want me to get?

We also use going to for predictions about the future when we have evidence, or indications of what is going to happen. For example: Look out! You're going to crash into that car. Meaning I can see that you are steering towards that car and you haven't noticed or done anything to correct it. Remember will is for predictions without evidence, opinions. For example contrast the 2 following sentences: One day I will be boss of this company (imagining the future). One day I am going to be boss of this company (I am thinking about my skills, reputation, trajectory within the company as evidence that this is going to happen).

Note we do not normally use the verbs go and come with going to. We normally use I am going and I am coming.

Hi. When to use the future simple with will. If you remember with will

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