116: How to form and When to Use the Conditional Continuous.

How To Form The Conditional Continuous:
Take a subject (I, the people etc) then put the auxiliary verb would (I would..., the people would...) then use the infinitive of the verb to be (I would be... the people would be...) then you put the present participle of the verb you want to use. (I would be relaxing, the people would be spending). The would can be contracted to 'd To form negatives put not after the auxiliary would. I would not be relaxing, the people would not be spending. I would not can be contracted to wouldn't. I wouldn't be relaxing, the people wouldn't be spending. To make questions change the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb would. Would I be relaxing? Would the people be spending? If you wish you can add a question word at the beginning of the sentence. Where would I be relaxing? How much money would the people be spending?

The table set out below shows how it works:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I would be earning I would not be earning Would I be earning?
You would be earning You would not be earning Would you be earning?
He would be earning He would not be earning Would he be earning?
She would be earning She would not be earning Would she be earning?
It would be earning It would not be earning Would it be earning?
We would be earning We would not be earning Would we be earning?
You would be earning You would not be earning Would you be earning?
They would be earning They would not be earning Would they be earning?

The following video explains how to form the conditional continuous:

Hi students. How to make the conditional continuous. I would be earning. OK. We take a subject: so I, then we take the auxiliary verb would. Then you take the compliment of the verb to be. I would be... and then you need the present participle of your verb. In this case we're going to use the verb to earn. So, earn plus ...ing, earning. So that gives us, I would be earning. You would be earning. He would be earning. She'd be earning. It'd be earning. We'd be earning. You'd be earning. They'd be earning. Yes. Notice the contraction of would to 'd. To make negatives put not after the would. I would not be earning. You would not be earning. He, she, it wouldn't be earning. We wouldn't be earning. You wouldn't be earning. They wouldn't be earning. To make questions swap the position of the subject and the auxiliary would. Would I be earning? Would you be earning? Would he, she, or it be earning? Would we be earning? Would you be earning? Would they be earning? And then notice we can put a question word also at the beginning. How much would I be earning? How much would you be earning? So there you are, that's how to make the conditional continuous. So, thanks for watching and we'll see each other in another video. Bye for now.

How To Use The Conditional Simple:
We use the Conditional Continuous to talk about the things that would be happening at this moment in an alternate reality. If the present were different to the way it really is, we can use the conditional continuous to talk about the things that would be happening now in that alternate reality.
For example: If I had a car, I wouldn't be walking now.
If I had a washing machine, I wouldn't be sitting in this laundrette right now.
If I weren't doing what I am doing now, I would be doing something else.
The conditional continuous is like a daydream where you imagine the things you would be doing if you weren't in school or at work, or doing something boring.

Hi there students. When to use the conditional continuous. We use this tense, the conditional continuous to talk about actions that would be happening now, if the present were different. So we are... we use it to talk about about hypothetical, unreal presents, different presents, alternative presents. So for example: Today is not Sunday. If today were sunday, I wouldn't be working. But today isn't Sunday and I am working. Um... if I were rich, but I'm not, I would be sitting on a beach right now. So, it's what would be happening now, if the past were different. Remember we use the conditional simple for states. OK. If I were rich I would have a big house. Have is a state. But I would be driving a big car. OK, that's for your action. So, conditional continuous for actions happening, or that would be happening now if the present were different. So there you go. Thanks for watching and we'll see each other in another video. Bye for now.

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