115: How to form and When to Use the Conditional Simple.

How To Form The Conditional Simple:
Take a subject (I, the people etc) then put the auxiliary verb would (I would..., the people would...) then use the compliment of the verb you want to use. (I would take, the people would visit.). This would can be contracted to 'd. To form negatives put not after the auxiliary would. I would not take, the people would not visit. Notice that this can be contracted to I wouldn't take, the people wouldn't visit. To make questions change the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb would. Would I take? Would the people visit? If you wish you can add a question word at the beginning of the sentence. What would I take? Where would the people visit?

The table set out below shows how it works:

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I would improve I would not improve Would I improve?
You would improve You would not improve Would you improve?
He would improve He would not improve Would he improve?
She would improve She would not improve Would she improve?
It would improve It would not improve Would it improve?
We would improve We would not improve Would we improve?
You would improve You would not improve Would you improve?
They would improve They would not improve Would they improve?

The following video explains how to form the conditional simple:

How to make the conditional simple in English. OK, to make the conditional we use the auxiliary verb would. OK. So, to make positive sentences in the conditional simple. We take a subject, I, then the auxiliary would, then our verb in the compliment, the infinitive without to. So, for this example improve. I would improve. Second person, you would improve. He would improve. She would improve. It would improve. We'd improve. You'd improve. They'd improve. So, notice the contraction of would to 'd. We'd. You'd. For negatives put not after the would. So, we'd get, I would not improve. You would not improve. He, she, it wouldn't improve. We wouldn't improve. You wouldn't improve. They wouldn't improve. OK. Notice the contraction of not, would not to wouldn't. OK. To make questions, invert the position of the subject and the auxiliary verb would. Would I improve? Would you improve? Would he improve? Would we improve> Would you improve? Would they improve? And if you like you can put a question word before. How much would I improve? So there you are, that's how to make phrases in the conditional simple in English. I hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see each other in another. Bye for now.

How To Use The Conditional Simple:
We use the Conditional simple to talk about hypothetical, unreal, or very improbable situations in the present and future.
It is used for second conditionals. For example: I would come to the cinema with you, if I had any money. I don't have any money and so I can't come, but in the imaginary case that I had money then I would come. This tense is used to talk about alternative realities. It can be used to talk about imaginary futures or presents. For example: I would come with you tomorrow, but I don't have time. I would come with you now, but I don't have time.

We also use the conditional simple when we want to sound polite in requests or offers. For example: Would you like some coffee? Could you give me some help?
The conditional makes the request or offer less direct, by making the question hypothetical and not real. As the question is hypothetical it makes it less rude to say "no".

Hi there. When to use the conditional simple in English. OK, we use the conditional for hypothetical, unreal or improbable situations and to talk about how things would be in those situations. Imagine winning a lot of money. What would you do? I would buy a new car. I would pay my mortgage. I wouldn't stop working. OK, these are all the hypothetical things I would do in that situation. We use the conditional for second conditional sentences. It's the tense that goes with it. If I were rich, I would buy a new vehicle. OK. So, this would is talking about our actions, or states, or the things that would be in those(hypothetical) situations. OK. Notice also, the British like to use would to be polite in requests or instructions. Would you do that for me? Would you ring me at seven o'clock? Would you lend me some money? Ok, they are being polite talking about a hypothetical situation, in which perhaps you could do that for them. Ok. Notice the conditional simple, we use for states and for actions in this hypothetical place, or this hypothetical world. OK. In another video, we will see about the conditional continuous. So, I hope you enjoyed the video Thank you for watching and we'll see each other in another video. Bye for now.

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